Prior Art Search Report
Prior Art Search Report
Before filing a patent application a prior art search is necessary to ensure about the novelty and inventive step of the subject matter to be sought for protection. We prepare prior art search reports wherein the closest document related to the invention in question are found by searching in patent and non-patent databases. We also prepare our comments to summarize the teachings of prior art and the disclosure provided from the inventors. This step is necessary to ensure that the claims do not come under the boundary of prior art documents.
Comments with respect to novelty and inventive step are provided so as to establish the extent of overlapping features of the present invention and the prior art. We prepare prior art search report to facilitate our client’s to know the state of the art and accordingly mold the claims in such a manner so that they does not fall with in the scope of other disclosures of prior art documents.
By being aware of the scope of other disclosures in prior art, we can strategically adjust the scope of their claims to avoid overlap and potential conflicts. This can enhance the chances of obtaining a stronger and more defensible patent.
In summary, the preparation of a prior art search report is a proactive and strategic step in the patent application process. It not only helps in satisfying legal requirements for patentability but also assists clients in making well-informed decisions to maximize the protection and value of their inventions.

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